I discovered this new website idea and it seems very promising. It's a proverbial online 411 of sorts. People ask questions, and answers are provided. I pride myself in my surfing skills, why not publicize them? There is so much information on the internet and often individuals have little luck sifting through it all. One individual put it like this..
How about a website where someone can go and ask a question and wait for a human to help them find an answer. The answer could be as simple as a link to a website with more information. Not everyone is adept at searching the world wide web and filtering out that relevant content from the content that dosen't pertain to their question.
It's interesting to say the least - we'll see what develops.
I like the idea, it's different from search engines because you can narrow it down.
Has anyone seen a website developed that attempt to do this? It sounds very interesting. Hey, maybe I'll try it with my blogger account and see what happens. :) Stay tuned.
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